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(940) 399 3016

Recover What’s Yours
We Help You Claim Your Property.

If you have an unclaimed property, you can ask us to assist you in the claiming process.

Supervision of the Process

We will guide you through the necessary steps to claim your unclaimed property and will be in constant contact throughout the process.

Affordable Price

Our fee structure is thoughtfully tailored to each client’s unique circumstances and specific requirements. Payments are duly administered upon the successful completion of the process.

Expert Advisor

Drawing from our extensive firsthand experience, we possess an adept understanding of the intricacies involved in the claiming process. We are fully equipped to provide you with invaluable assistance throughout the entirety of the procedure.

About Us

The Easiest Way to Claim Your Property!

As a well-prepared and highly capable team, we possess comprehensive knowledge regarding the intricacies of recovering unclaimed assets. Our unwavering commitment lies in providing steadfast support throughout the entire process, ensuring the successful return of your assets. We strive for utmost client satisfaction and are readily available to address any inquiries or uncertainties you may encounter along the way. Your contentment is our ultimate objective, and we are dedicated to delivering top-notch service.

Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay 

Our Service

What Service We Offer

We help claim an asset or funds that have been abandoned, forgotten by the owner, and are been held by the government.

Dormand Bank Account

In the event that your funds are transferred to the dormant account fund, your rights remain intact, and you retain the ability to reclaim the funds, along with any accrued interest. It’s important to note that in cases where the account holder has passed away, the rights of their heirs are not impacted or compromised.

Uncashed Check

Unclaimed checks refer to payments that have not been cashed by the intended recipient and have remained uncashed for a minimum period of one year.

Insurance Policies

This type of property can only be claimed by the designated insurance beneficiary. It is necessary to contact the insurance company and confirm that the client specifically named you as the sole beneficiary in order to proceed with the claim

Security Deposits

It occurs when an individual provides a deposit as collateral in relation to a lease agreement, utility services, or another type of transaction. If the security deposit is not claimed within a specific period and no measures are taken to recover it, it is classified as an unclaimed forgotten security deposit.

Who We Are

We Increase the Likelihood that You Can Recover an Unclaimed Asset

Our team of highly trained and experienced professionals works diligently to investigate and manage claims related to property, insurance, inheritance, investment and other types of assets. We provide a comprehensive service that includes expert advice, detailed case analysis and effective negotiations to ensure that our clients recover what is rightfully theirs. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and defending our clients’ rights in the asset claims process

Need Assit to Claim Your assets
Contact Us Today

Make any inquiries related to an asset claim. An advisor will contact you to assist you with any questions you may have